The 2024 edition of BOLFA, the Climbing Club of South Australia’s magazine is out!
Download BOLFA 2024.

The 2024 edition of BOLFA, the Climbing Club of South Australia’s magazine is out!
Download BOLFA 2024.
The 2023 edition of BOLFA, the Climbing Club of South Australia’s magazine is out!
Download BOLFA 2023.
The 2022 edition of BOLFA, the Climbing Club of South Australia’s magazine is out!
Download BOLFA 2022.
The 2021 edition of BOLFA, the Climbing Club of South Australia’s magazine is out!
Download BOLFA 2021.
The photos from the 50th celebration have been uploaded to the website, and are available for viewing here.
The CCSA are interested in collecting a gallery of photos from the last 50 years (and before, if you have any) of the climbing in South Australia, and by South Australians. If you have any photos (in electronic form) that are entertaining, historically significant, or represent an achievement by a South Australian climber, then we would love to get it up on the website.
You can find the Gallery page here.
As an extra to the CCSA 50th Anniversary Doug McLean is compiling a record of Alpine Climbing done by CCSA or South Australian climbers. Anyone who would like their Alpine climbing included please email Douglas McLean. If possible include details in Excel (or CSV) format with headings – Date (month, year), Mountain, Height, Location, Route, Grade, Climbers, Style (alpine, solo, 1st ascent, commercial expedition).
Note that the email link above was in error before Monday 17/7/2017, so if you sent anything to Doug before then, it would not have reached him and he would greatly appreciate it if you would resend it. It has now been fixed.
NZ 1970-71 Doug McLean collection
The sharp-eyed among you will have noticed a recent change to the website – there is now a little green lock in the browser’s address window:This indicates that all data flowing from your browser to the website and back is now encrypted, and safe from any cracker trying to steal personal information. If you notice anything amiss, such as broken links, please contact us at web.
All pumped out from 2016? No worries, you’re invited to CCSA Christmas drinks, Wednesday 14 December, 7:30 PM at the Wheaty!
39 George St Thebarton
Drinks available for purchase at the bar and free nibbles provided.
We also invite you to share your 2016 photos for our slideshow!
If you don’t have a Dropbox account it’ll ask for a name & email to confirm your upload. Then non-Dropbox members will be asked to join – disregard that message if you like.
See you there!
Kylie and the CCSA Committee
Yes BOLFA returns!
After a long wait, the 2016 issue is uploaded here! A joint effort of CCSA and the UniSA Rock Climbing Club, this BOLFA is packed with Greece, Arapilesian dirt bags, tips and advice, Crag Care, and wonderful photos. Enjoy!
If you have goodies to contribute for the 2017 BOLFA in our 50th anniversary year, then send them through to Kylie Jarrett the BOLFA Editor (